

Published Tuesday September 3, 2024

New Charts, new pricing, new acquisition...

Brandon Strittmatter

Brandon Strittmatter

New Charts, new pricing, new acquisition...

It's a short week, but we are cramming a lot into it. To start, we have completely rebuilt our charts. They now use web components, which means you can now embed Outerbase charts in any of your products. They're faster, more customizable, and offer even more types of data visualization.

Why Rebuild?

We’re not going to lie, our old charts had issues. They were slow, hard to customize, and didn't offer enough variety. We looked at many charting libraries, but none fit our needs. So we built our own on top of Observable Plot, an open-source library from the same team that made D3. This gives us the low-level control we needed without starting from nothing.

New Chart Editor

The new editor is simpler and more powerful. You can now:

  1. Select saved queries

  2. Generate new queries with EZQL, our AI tool

  3. Create charts from scratch

Multi-series charts are now possible with a single query. Each column becomes a new series. It's all SQL-driven and fully customizable.

Example: Create a line chart showing sales and costs over time with one query:

SELECT date, sales, costs FROM monthly_financials

Powerful Filters

We've added dashboard-wide filters. Add a {{variable}} to your SQL, and you can update all charts at once. You can also make filters optional using the [[brackets]].


[[WHERE date >= {{start_date}} AND date <= {{end_date}}]]

This lets users select a date range that applies to all charts.

There are a lot of other really exciting features with the charts and I wont get into all the details here. But I would love to hear your thoughts and see what kind of dashboards you can build on top of Outerbase.

Sign up now and let me know what you think!

We have some other big announcements we will be discussing throughout the week, but they are actually live now so I’ll give you a quick preview into them:

Updated Pricing Tiers

We've made our hobby tier $9/mo, making the jump from our Free plan much more palatable for you all. We've also added our Pro tier which unlocks a lot of other exciting new features including embedded dashboards, higher EZQL requests, audit trails, and much more exciting new features we will be announcing in the coming weeks. More on that soon though!

We acquired LibSQL Studio

Not to bury the lede here and we will be talking about this more in depth in the coming days but we were so impressed with what Invisal had built at LibSQL studio that we reached out and were lucky enough that he saw our vision and believed in it. With our number one goal being to help tell Outerbase's local story.

Cloudflare Integration

Another huge one, we partnered with Cloudflare, now you can instantly view any of your Cloudflare D1 databases directly in Outerbase. And do all of the fun things you know and love from Outerbase on top of your Cloudflare databases, whether you want to create new tables, run queries, edit data, or even create beautiful dashboards, it's all possible!

All New Data Catalog

We had an early MVP of this that let you help define and describe your data so that both AI and your team members would understand your schema. We took it a step further and now you can easily toggle columns on and off, so AI will ignore them, or add in virtual foreign keys to help AI and your team understand the relationships between your tables.

That's not all of it either…

It's a packed out week with a ton of features being released, stay tuned as we will go further in depth with each feature per day. Not to mention another exciting launch week coming up at the end of the month. Stay shipping and as always if you ever need help, please reach out!

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